When you don't have the resources you need, for your church and your leadership, it's difficult for your ministry to thrive.
As a result, you and your staff will likely feel overwhelmed and frustrated, because you won't be as effective as you wish.
There should be biblically sound supporters, who will assist you in fulfilling the ministry God has called you to.
We totally understand how challenging it can be, to invest in the spiritual growth of your church, when your own resources are lacking. So many pastors and church leaders are passionate about giving, sometimes to the detriment of their own well being. And when they're expected to give, it can be difficult to ask for assistance. We get it.
We believe the only way to solve the problem only 40% of businesses being profitable, is to provide something of extreme value, and affordability. And 4in10 is that platform, designed to give business owners of “ALL” sizes a means to efficently and profitably grow their businesses. Our vision is to help change that nation-wide statistic, and to say by 2040 that at least 50% of all businesses in the United States are profitable! If appropriate, help us fulfill our vision, by giving us the opportunity to assist you!
No worries! Fill out the form below and someone from our sister company
(Joshua Lyons Marketing) will reach out to you, to assist.